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SDS Plus kőzetfúró- és vésőkészlet, 15 db-os

15 db-os

€ 33.46 ÁFA nélkül

  • Kőzetfúrók: ø5,5 és 6 mm x 110 mm; ø5,5, 6, 6,5, 7, 8 és 10 mm x 160 mm
  • Kőzetfúrók: ø10, 12 és 16 mm x 260 mm
  • Kőzetvésők: ø20 és 40 mm x 250 mm, 250 mm-es hegyes
  • és 245 mm-es horonyvéső
  • Masszív, fröccsöntött hordtáskában

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4 csillag az 5 csillagból
31 vélemény

A termék adatai

Csatlakozó mérete SDS Plus
Felületkezelés Homokfúvott, korrózióálló bevonat
Edzett Igen
Anyag - orr/csúcs Volfrámkarbid
A termék tömege 2,33 kg

Fő tulajdonságok

A legnépszerűbb fúrók és vésők készlete masszív, fröccsöntött hordtáskában. Tartalma: kőzetfúrók: ø5,5 és 6 mm x 110 mm; ø5,5, 6, 6,5, 7, 8 és 10 mm x 160 mm; ø10, 12 és 16 mm x 260 mm, kőzetvésők: ø20 és 40 mm x 250 mm, 250 mm-es hegyes és 245 mm-es horonyvéső.

A doboz tartalma

  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 5,5 x 110 mm
  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 5,5 x 160 mm
  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 6 x 110 mm
  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 6 x 160 mm
  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 6,5 x 160 mm
  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 7 x 160 mm
  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 8 x 160 mm
  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 10 x 160 mm
  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 10 x 260 mm
  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 12 x 260 mm
  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 16 x 260 mm
  • 1 db kőzetfúró, 40 x 250 mm
  • 1 db kőzetvéső, 20 x 250 mm
  • 1 db hegyes kőzetvéső, 250 mm
  • 1 db horonyvéső kőzethez, 245 mm

Vásárlói értékelések

Simon C által


These bits are extremely hard wearing, really good value. Shop around for best price. Reading the reviews the case does not work well, However, If the bits are in size order from the top down the gouging chisel, pointed chisel, 20mm chisel and 40mm chisel they stay in place very well. Just place the flat of your hand on the top of the lid when clipping the bits in. Simples!

Robert P által


Ordered and Received fast! No issue with compatibility or quality. I doubt I’ll be in a rush to replace these. Now I need to find an excuse to keep drill holes in the wall...

Dan h által


Get set of bits has everything I need and not at a stupid price. Will be buying a lot more sliverline products from now on

Peter H által


Excellent product, very durable and great value for money. The only downside I found is the fact narrower gauge drill bits fall out of their slot in the plastic case. Storing the case upside down mitigates the issue.

Peter S által


Good selection of drills and 3 chisel’s in box. They are doing the job for me without a problem. For the money you can’t go wrong as there is a lifetime warranty with them. The only thing I can say against the set is the box they come in. The smaller drills won’t try in place. Not a deal breaker though as the cost of them easily outweighs this small problem.

Frank B által


Great set of bits and chisels, look as they will last a long time, plus having the forever gaurantee, gives price of mind. One annoying thing though, the plastic holders moulded in the carry case dont hold all the bits in there place properly, so when you open the case, some fall out.

Gerard k által


I have Works with fitting tools it is fantastic And i hope chat i can uwe thuis tot many years

Harley által


I’m a novice DIYer who has recently started a complete renovation of my flat. I’ve never had the best tools but I thought it was time I get myself some decent bits and pieces. This kit absolutely did the trick and made everything so much easier. They performed perfectly and gave me the confidence to tackle bigger jobs on my own. Absolutely brilliant.

Phillip C által


Very well made. Really strong chisel piece and I''d recommend 100%

Alastair F által


Comprehensive set of drill bits which so far work well.

Euan G által


Very sturdy, top quality drill bits and chisels. Excellent price and delivery. Highly recommended.

Steve D által


Not used much yet but they look to be substantial and robust.

Andrew k által


Great value for the money drill set. Well pleased!

G M által


The drill bit set was exactly right for the job. The fitted case did not work quite for the smaller bits, but keeps them all in one place for later use.

Frank B által


I used the drill bits the other day and found them to be very good and when I drilled the hole into brick they drilled the hole like a hot knife cutting butter to say I was impressed is a bit of an understatement good quality accessory

Alan által


this was recommended by a friend. all the drills and chisels you could want, excellent product :)

Roger B által


I thought that this sds drill set would be ok for some light use and would keep me drilling until I could afford something better. It turned out to be super value for money and has already had a lot of hard use without any problems. The bits have stood up to use in a heavyweight drill and I haven’t had to replace any of them yet. Excellent!

Roger B által


The drill bits and chisels are excellent value for money but the plastic case doesn''t hold them well. The whole point of buying a set is that the bits can be kept in order so that you can find the one you want easily. When you open this box (however carefully you replaced the bits) only the chisels are in place.

Paul M által


I bought this to smash out the remains of a concrete post. Done it with ease and saved me from doing it by hand.

shawn b által


Received this item from and the drill components of the kit do not fit into the box but rather sat loosely in the box meaning that the box would only sometimes close. I returned the kit to amazon and ordered an identical one, [i have other silverline products that work perfectly fine for me an active diyer]. The exact same problem happened again. I raised the issue directly with silverline and despite a promise of response within 2 days, I am still awaiting a response now. I am very disappointed!

Dekker által


Good drills, did it job perfect in concrete floors and walls. non of de drills are broken after a thousend times using! great stuff!

Matt által


Perfect starters set. The only negative comments I can give at the moment is that the container does not hold the bits in place.

wurffel o által


Perfect for my home-use in the south of France.

Peter O által


Good Value and gave me everything i needed to clear a bathroom and drill masonary

Luis H által


Set very complete and good quality. So far the result that is giving me is very good

David S által


The drills and steels work well but are let down by the case which does not hold the items securely. The smaller items rattle around as soon as the case is picked up!

Hans által


Nice set of drill bits with most common sizes. Easy to store in the provided case, however some drill bits seem to end up loose in the case sometimes.

Nigel B által


Case is of poor quality. Bits do not stay in place in case. Pick it up.....bits fall out.
  • customer contacted

paul m által


A superb set of tools, well up to the job intended and a good quality.

christian r által


love it, all i needed to finish the job. Great box for the price

Helen által


We are renovating an old stone house and our old drill just couldn''t cope with the walls. This new sds drill is fantastic and goes through the stone like a knife through butter. What were difficult jobs are now easy. Great product and very happy with the performance.

Élettartam jótállás

Erre a Silverline SDS Plus kőzetfúró- és vésőkészlet, 15 db-os termékre a vásárlás dátumától számítva 30 nap jótállás érvényes, mely a gyártás során esetlegesen előforduló gyártási vagy anyaghibákra terjed ki. A(z) Élettartam jótállásért regisztrálja online a termékét. A hibás terméket díjmentesen megjavítjuk vagy kicseréljük.

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