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260 W szalagcsiszoló, 13 mm

260 W

€ 53.76 ÁFA nélkül

  • Változtatható sebesség
  • Állítható szögű szalagpálya és keskeny csiszolószalag
  • Gyors szalagfeszítő rendszer
  • A nehezen elérhető helyek pontos csiszolásához
  • Vízkőtelenítéshez, hegesztési varratok csiszolásához és polírozásához, sorjátlanításhoz, illesztések és fakötések alakításához használható

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4 csillag az 5 csillagból
170 vélemény

A termék adatai

Víz elleni védettségi osztály IP20
Anyag - csiszolóanyag Műgyanta
Csiszolószalag mérete 13 x 457 mm
Üresjárati fordulatszám 330-550 m/perc
A termék tömege 1,15 kg

Fő tulajdonságok

A 13 mm-es, elektromos szalagcsiszoló ideális lerakódások eltávolítására, hegesztési varratok csiszolására és polírozására, csapolások és illesztések kialakítására, valamint sarkokban és nehezen elérhető helyeken végzendő csiszolási feladatokra. A fához, fémhez és műanyaghoz tervezett, 130 mm hosszúságú csiszolókar szalagsebessége maximum 550 m/perc, és munkavégzési szöge állítható.

Jól hozzáférhető gombbal változtatható a szalag fordulatszáma az aktuális feladattól és annak anyagminőségétől függően az adott anyageltávolítási sebesség és felületmegmunkálás elérése érdekében. A csiszolókar alapjánál egy feszítő-/lazítócsavar található, mely a csiszolószalagot feszíti/lazítja a csiszolószalag teljesítményének növelése, valamint könnyű le- és felszerelése érdekében.

A munkavégzés során a porelvezetéshez csatlakoztassa a porelszívó rendszer tömlőjét a szerszám oldalán, a csiszolókar alapjánál található adapterhez. Az értékelő felhasználók dicsérték a szerszám jó kiegyensúlyozottságát, mely a tengelyvonalban elhelyezkedő motorral rendelkezik, az instabilabb, oldalt elhelyezett motorral szemben.

A 13 x 457 mm-es, különböző szemcseméretű csiszolószalagokkal, többek között a Silverline 5 darabos készlettel (cikkszám: 910232) használható. A szerszám gyárilag 1 db 80-as és 1 db 120-as szemcseméretű csiszolószalaggal rendelkezik, így azonnal megkezdhető a munkavégzés.

A doboz tartalma

  • 1 db 260 W szalagcsiszoló
  • 1 db porelvezető adapter
  • 2 db csiszolószalag, 80 és 120-as szemcseméret
  • 1 db használati útmutató

Vásárlói értékelések

Rallis A által


I highly recommend it because of its accuracy.

Mervyn F által


Bout this tool to help me sand down an old oak park bench. Looked at the the other options available & lots were well outside my budget. This was the best value, really versatile & can work in any position. And with a 3 year guarantee it can''t be beat. If you need power belt file this is the one to get, a graet piece of kit.

Gareth H által


Many different uses .. wish I had bought one years ago. Good robust design perfect for the serious DIY-er.

Malc P által


Had 5 of these now - old rocker switch design and new trigger design great Powerfile

Hugh G által


Great tool, saves wear on wrist. Wish I had one years ago !

Robert S által


Great tool for smoothing welds on car body panels ,good angle adjustment and quick belt change .

Robert által


Powerful, especially with high grade sanding belts. I use it for renovations and repairs of wooden furniture, stairs, door, etc. in lacquer, paint and wood filler removal. It really works. I''ve used it also for sharpening and rust removal from metal tools. Perfectly works in narrow areas and gaps. Suggestion and tip for Silverline: why not to produce versatile heads for it? Summary: best for price in woodworking, but also in light metalworks.

John B által


Nice bit of kit! Will be really useful.How have I managed without one before?

Andy H által


This is a nice easy item to use and is more effective than I thought it would be.

Diane T által


Bought to help with my DIY & Craft projects, this has been the best bit of kit I have yet! It is lightweight, will get into nooks and crannies (which helps with the project AND ease of use as it is so light, great for my Arthritic hands!), but still packs a bit of punch where and when needed!

Peter H által


Needed a tool to remove rust from car body i was restoring. Although this is one of the cheapest on the market its by no means the the bottom of the pile. Well built and easy to use it made short work of the jobs in hand. Another satisfying point is when you register your purchase you get a three year guarantee which is a lot more than you get with the more expensive tools out there. Silverline obviously have a lot more faith in their tools and manufacturing than the big names so this gives you piece of mind that you made the correct choice.

John B által


I can’t believe what good power tool this is and did the job I wanted.

M N által


Very versatile, works well on many materials.

Michael C által


It''s light easy to use, 3 years warranty & at a very good price.

Godfrey által


I''m currently restoring a 1969 Hillman Imp, which obviously has required some welding! Some of the welds were in hard to reach areas to grind down, which is where this belt file was needed. It''s so narrow and the arm is completely adjustable, so I can reach all those hard to reach areas and grind my welds down flush for a professional finish. Very impressed with this tool, happy to recommend.

Michael C által


What a great belt file this is, Very easy to use, nice & light, Belt changing is a doddle. 3 Year warranty as well, it''s win-win-win all the way

Wolfram G által


Very handy and practical. Above all, the speed control enables precise work. I am very satisfied with the file.

R T által


good product and service would use again

David W által


Very nice machine. Will come in extremely handy with my DIY projects.

ian p által


fantastic piece of kit

Mark D által


I''ve had 2 iterations of this device and both are exceptional. The earlier version with the toggle power switch and the latter with a more conventional trigger and button lock work really well for different reasons and useful for a multitude of jobs. The tensioner on both iterations work well with no wandering. The newer updated version has a protective rim just above the working belt adding extra user safety. Both units can angle for those hard to get to areas of work and both have dust ports which in a small working environment are valuable. Overall the Silverline power file is a must have for any budding DIYer and makes a useful addition to any workshop.

Mr G által


Super bit of kit, very versatile and light to handle.

Muhammad K által


Lovely TOOL I would recommend it any Diy person A very handy tool to have

Mr G által


Super piece of kit, light to handle and very versatile tool.

Gary F által


Excellent product. Easily strips old varnish and paint from hard to get at places. Comfortable to hold with one hand and the variable speed control makes it even more versatile to deal with more delicate sanding

william c által


very handy machine easy to use great

william c által


very easy to use and a great asset to my tools

Alan M által


Excellent power tool, good quality and price. So easy to use and a handy tool to have in your tool box. Feels strong and powerful, would definitely recommend.

Alan J által


This is a great little sander ideal for detailing wood or metal good addition to any tool box

Stephen J által


This is one of those tools that reaches the spot that other tools can''t. It''s amazing how many uses it can be put to and how well it does them.

Julian p által


I love my new silverline power file! It''s a quality tool which feels solid and very well made, sturdy but not too heavy. It fits nicely in your hands, and can be used one-handed with ease. All controls fall readily to hand and the belts are extremely simple to change. I love the way there is no big motor hanging off the side of the machine which makes it great in tight spaces, and the pivoting head is just great and easy to use. I''ve wanted one of these for a long time and looked at loads, but I am so pleased to have found and purchased this Silverline one - it''s exactly what I was looking for.

t.r.leggett által


5 star prodouct and company.amust have item.

Richard M által


I should have bought the Silverline Power Belt File years ago. Extremely useful for a number of jobs and saves hours of hard labour. Very well built and good value for money

Stoyan által


I order that tool specially for a job that is impossible to bo done with another one. It is very handy small tool! I like it very much!

Richard M által


Excellent piece of kit, very well made and superb value for money. Easy to use - a great time saver

Eilli T által


Does what it should do. Very handy and powerful

David R által


Recommended by a friend, I bought a 260w Power Belt File. I am a keen DIYer and carve wooden fish as a hobby. I already have a standard width belt sander, but for delicate and accurate removal of wood, it is too crude and impossible to get into tight corners and use the edge of the belt. The belt file is the perfect solution to my problems and makes accessing those difficult areas a breeze. The file is lightweight, making it comfortable for prolonged use, and plenty powerful for the task. Changing belts is quick and simple. This product has speeded up my work and drastically improved the finish of my carvings. Wish I''d had one years ago. Highly recommended !!!

Guy J által


Light, easyto use, the diverse ways to grasp it allows for very precise handling. Someting that in importand when filing tender woods.

Malcolm által


Great little tool at a great price

Karl-Heinz W által


Die Elektrofeile funktioniert sehr gut. Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist hervorragend. Dieses Werkzeug kann ich für kleine Schleifarbeiten absolut weiterempfehlen. Habe mir im Netz eine 96-Stück-Packung Schleifbänder 60- 240 Korn gekauft, mit den 2 beigelegten Schleifbändern kommt man nicht allzu weit.

Geoffrey G által


Very good tool easy to use and veratile

Peadar M által


I have had one of these tools previously, excellent the most manoeuvrable product on the market

Andrea által


I bought this tool to grind some welding on my 4x4. It''s perfect to enter in reduced spaces and 260w power is enough to make a good job

Paul C által


After my recent purchase of this item I’m just wondering why I haven’t had one before. Easy to use and very quick to replace the sanding strips. Does the job with metal or wood and a pleasure to use. There is a plastic hoover attachment but presumably this would then make it cumbersome. The only negative i can come up with is if you’re using the tool for cleaning or sanding an internal radius when you have to take your time and let the tool do all the work with no pressure as this is how the belts are removed, by pressing on the end.

Terry B által


This power belt file is an amazing bit of kit for the price.

sue által


Inly used the once so far but nicely surprised. easy to operate and got the job done,

Neil t által


This is the best tool l have ever bought ,it makes life much easier. Excellent product.many thanks.



Plus que satisfait, vraiment pratique .

Keith G által


The inline design and adjustable file angle, means the tool is easy to use and can access those hard to reach spots. The belts run true with very little drift when sanding. Overall a good purchase.

tr l által


great tool &quality must/have.

John K által


A well engineered and versatile tool. The "in-line style" makes it very easy to handle. It is proving to be everything I hoped for.

Colin R által


I purchased my power belt file to help me. I am an 85 year old man who cannot cut his own toe nails, so I needed assistance. This tool although big and heavy, does the job. However, if you made a much smaller version with 13mm by 10 cm belt based on a small pistol drill, I think you could have a best seller on your hands.

Gary s által


Another quality product from shoveling. Very good value for money with excellent 3 year guarantee

Andrew L által


This is an extremely efficient and effective tool for working with fibreglass. It can give good smooth details- at a great price!

David S által


Thi saved me so much time - tried to sand a motorcycle monoshock by hand it was just taking forever so purchased this frimnamazon and it was done in minutes. Well worth the money as it is very easy to handle unlike bulky off balance others which cost more. Highly recommend this product a- 2 of my friends have already purchased.

David S által


I have purchased quite a few different tools from Silverline over the years and have never been let down and I still have them all to this day.

Phil által


This worked perfectly straight from the box. you have to be careful to keep the head moving as it does sand notches in the wood if you are not careful. I need to sand garden benches and this was the only way to strip varnish between the slats. I was worried that the sandpaper would track off as happened to me with a belt floor sander but this was never a problem. My only concern was that the motor seemed to get very hot but it comes with a 3 year warranty so the manufacturers really stand behind their products. Great value for money.

Mike T által


Bought this based on the slimline profile unlike that of a better-known brand. An owner of the competing product from the better-known brand warned me about belts snapping. I''ve used the Silverline for almost a month now and not had a single belt break. The only thing that happens is the belt can slip from the drive but it''s very easy to put back in place and slips only occur if I repeatedly catch the edge of the belt. This tool has saved me a lot of manual sanding. Replacement belts are cheap and last well.

Ian m által


Great tool , very handy , great for vehicle restoration panel work for cleaning up areas for welding

David által


Brought this to do some cleaning up of some windows I am restoring. Fantastic great finish. I have also used this to tidy up some welds on a motorcycle before painting again works so well and saved so much time. Belts wear quick on the weld so keep a stock of spare belts. Well done Silverline!!!

Rene v által


very happy with this power belt file, excellent tool

totalguy által


This is a great little tool for all sorts of jobs. its not bulky and doesn''t have a motor sticking out the side like the more expensive brands do. its more versatile and you can get into 90 degree corners because the belt overlaps the metal slightly. it has 6 speed settings and ive mostly used the slow one i used it for a few different things including doing stair rails and metal filing and de burring. great tool for the money doesnt seem to heat up much either. its adjustable so you can put it at quite a few different angles. the only down side for me is i would have liked a slower low speed something like 280rpm and max out at 500rpm but other than that it does the job just fine i wish i had one many years ago but they have only been around recently. i highly recommend this tool for the price its great and i would also recommend purchasing a belt cleaning block these will make your sanding belts last a lot longer silverline sell 2 of them these are the product codes 224688 and the bigger one is 218490. these are great especially when you are sanding paint and wood it unclogs the belt nicely.

Shelley G által


Excellent Sander, bought as a gift for a man who makes walking sticks, he loves this Sander. It''s reliable, sands intricate parts and is well made and sturdy. Would highly recommend.

John L által


Bought this for a specific job which it did very well, the file itself is of a good quality and a very good price, good choice!

Shelley G által


I bought the Sander for my dad because his previous other brand had broken. He makes walking sticks and does a lot of intricate sanding work as they are very detailed and then sold. He loves this and it does the job perfectly. Saves a lot of time instead of manually sanding and the replacement pads are not expensive, though I think the one it came with will last ages. Really good price, high quality, excellent service and speedy delivery. Would highly recommend and will definitely buy from them again for my husband and dad.

Simon által


Inexpensive tool which did my job perfectly well where I have difficult access. I''ve since found other uses for the file, like sharpening the rotary mower blades.

Bob S által


Great tool for the price, very useful for many jobs both in the trade and DIY.

Steve által


Had a power file for many years with a 600mm belt but they became non standard and expensive so dived in for this one. Within 5 minutes from opening the box I was in business and it handles like a dream. Makes me realise how big and bulky my old one was.

John T által


Incredible value for money. I bought this tool to sand between the rungs of my teak garden bench seat. The seat had become very black an there was narrow access between the rungs and the support timbers. Using this belt file allowed me to return the bench to near new condition very quickly. The tool is very light and easy to use. Surpassed my expectations and I thoroughly recommend it.

C S által


Quite impressed with this belt file, it''s useful for those hard to get at places, variable drive and the belt stays put. Quite impressed for the cost.

David L által


Have just purchased another silverline product of a belt sander file . Works great. Great tools at great prices

Martin w által


One of the best tools I have ever brought, great for getting in to nuks and crannies. Simply Amazing.

Richard által


I bought this to grind down some welds on a car that I am restoring. It does the job nicely, not as fast a flap wheel on the angle grinder but much more controllable. However I find that I have been using it for other jobs too. This is may first power file and I wish I had bought one sooner. The tool seems to be of pretty good quality. I have managed to drop it a couple of times and it is fine. It looks like it will stand up to typical DIY abuse. On the downside the belts do wear out pretty fast so you need to keep a good stock of them.

Anthony R által


If it does what it says it can then this tool is my ‘get out of jail’ card for those jobs that need a little extra help.

Blue H által


Absolutely brilliant love how easy and fast it does what you want it to do

Peter M által


I have been meaning to purchase one of these files for a long time so finally i have one and find it very use full for doing all the awkward jobs and also my model making with the finer grade belts.

Blue H által


This is a tool I should have brought years ago it does exactly what it says and more I love it

Hugh m által


Very happy with purchase. Would definitely buy from them again

Mark A által


This is great tool to have in your tool kit and a great price, just wished I had come to this site first as I got from Amazon and paid more :(

Michael G által


Haven''t used it yet ,but it looks well made

George W által


This tool is what I have needed for a long time. I just didn''t realise ho good it would be. Now that I''ve got it I''ll be able to save a lot of time.

Brian T által


This should be a very handy tool for sanding those awkward corners

Tony G által


I recently became an owner of a slverstorm powerfile I make wands and the odd walking staff as a hobby and wanted to try using a tool to rough down my creations before I finished them by hand very pleased so far with the tool and how it performs.

Ken L által


Why pay more! Cheap doesn’t always mean Cheap. As I have found with the silverline products they are a well priced and of good quality, I was in the building trade for 35 years so have always purchased the more expensive brands. I purchased the Power belt file to clean back rust and to clean back to bare metal for welding the underside of my old Transit and it hasn’t missed a beat, it can get into all the tight spots that a Angle grinder can’t reach, it has plenty of power and with its adjustable head makes it even easier to get to the awkward bits, looking forward to trying it on some carpentry projects. My next purchase will be the hand held Drum Sander which also looks like a very useful tool. If you register it online you can get a 3yr warranty so can’t ask more than that.

Lorenzelli által


Simple and effective, what is asked for this type of portable tool !!

paul m által


excellent tool,gets into all the nooks and crannies. Easy belt change and the bet actually stays on!

John r által


Good tool lots of uses

Darren J által


I bought this to do some work on my T3 camper van, which needed a neat job done on a sill replacement. It''s been a revelation - taken hours off the time it would usually take me to prepare sections for welding and remove spots of rust in seconds that would usually take a lot longer. The tool is well built and comfortable in the hands, and works as it should do. The only slight downside is that it''s easy to accidentally adjust the speed control in use (usually in the downwards direction), but this is a minor gripe on an otherwise well thought out and built tool.

Ian J által


This is my second, nice and light , ideal for getting in to awkward corners

Stéphane G által


Cette lime remplace très efficacement sa concurrente B&D que je ne supportais plus... Quel dommage cependant qu''aucune housse ou valise ne soit fournit ou même disponible en accessoire !!!.

Klaus W által


Ich hatte für knapp 40€ keine allzu großen Erwartungen, aber der zehnfache Preis bei Bosch war mir dann doch zu heftig! Umso positiver überrascht war ich über die Qualität, Ausführung und Stabilität des Silverstorm-Schleifers! Sogar Drehzahlregelung ist vorhanden, damit hätte ich bei diesem Preis wirklich nicht gerechnet. Das Gerät macht einen absolut wertigen und stabilen Eindruck und bewährt sich auch im täglichen Einsatz. Und mal ganz ehrlich: Selbst wenn das Teil nur die 3 Jahre Garantie überstehen sollte (was ich mir bei normalem Heimwerkergebrauch nicht vorstellen kann), dann kann ich bis zu 10 neue Geräte kaufen für den Kaufpreis eines "Profigerätes" in blau! Und mehr als Schleifen kann das Profigerät auch nicht! Also absolute Empfehlung von mir für den Silverline-Fingerschleifer! Und nicht erschrecken beim Auspacken: Es ist kein "falscher" UK-Stecker montiert, sondern nur ein genialer Adapter, der sich sehr leicht entfernen läßt zur Nutzung des Euro-Steckers!

David által


I love this small machine it gets in small places

Rainald S által


Quick sanding. Power belt works very well. I''m very satisfied and will recommend your agency and products further on.

roy f által


what a brilliant tool, got into awkward confined spaces and done the job so easy save me loads of time.

Steve W által


Whenever I do a job I always ''budget'' for the tools I don''t yet have. A friend of mine was using one of these a few days back and I was so impressed I went out and bought one, plus a pack of belts. So far I have had to clean rust off steel, grind hardened epoxy and GRP out of a difficult small space and sand down areas for epoxy work in difficult tight corners. What a tool; it turned a full day''s work into, literally, less than an hour. For someone who served an apprenticeship and time on the tools, and who is now retired and enjoying doing this stuff, this tool is a very welcome addition to my (quite eclectic) collection of useful implements.

Derek H által


Tool bought to file difficult areas of wooden projects that I make.Pleased to report the tool does just this and more.Delighted with my choice and purchase.

Krzysztof K által


We use it for copper busbars, the biggest advantage is weight (only 1kg).

Robert R által


Very light weight and easy to use, changing the belt is easier than other files I''ve had, very good tool, highly recommend.

Johnn W által


This came as a surprise as it''s really quite compact compared to the B & D versions I have had for years (2 of and just about still going...gasp, gasp..) that lack the balance of this model as the motor is within its sleek body and not as the B & D models where its slung on the side and makes for a clumsy device considering the narrow working area it uses up. I have had Silverline products now over many years, since they started I would think, so it was interesting to see if things have moved on with their current range. You get two belts supplied with this model and the first thing you notice with this sander is how light it is, falls and fits well in the hand almost like a decent sized torch, with placed at the rear out of harms way, a ‘on/off’ switch (naturally) plus a wheel type speed control that is more than ample as I found on the lowest setting for finishing some MDF off. It has a decent length of cable, plus the adjustable up & down ''blade'' or sanding area is handy for getting into assorted areas and could be a boon to model makers, plus a small but adequate owners manual and it comes with a 3 year warranty (!) by registering on-line which I did natch. In use it works well, quite comfortable to use in fact its streets, or roads even, in front of the B & D models as outlined above but with a 3 year warranty perhaps the makers have faith in it but so far it works wonderfully well. Its well designed by somebody who knows their stuff and quite reasonably priced :-) Rating? – 5 Stars based on use so far!

Morlan W által


I am in the process of re-fitting an old salvaged boat and needed to get into very tight corners to smooth down fibre glass repairs - this machine is exactly what I needed and carried out the work more than satisfactory I DO recommend this machine very highly. Regards M L Watson

Robert M által


This is a neat precision tool for those hard to get a places with other tools or time consuming hand work. I like the dust extractor facility as well and the straight line handle/sander belt for ease of working.

Darrin A által


For the money this is a good tool, though lacks power compared with some other similar tools that can be bought. Slim design means you can get into narrow spaces where others cant. does the job but takes a little longer. Adjustable arm makes it that more versatile for any job.

Jack B által


A great tool at the right price + 3 years warranty

Michael E által


Great little tool easy to get in small spaces ,and very quiet motor very pleased with my purchase.

Philip S által


Having three different types of sander I still struggled to get into those tight spaces and had to manage with sandpaper wrapped around a wooden spoon! I was a little sceptical but took the plunge and bought this Silverline power file, after all if it didn''t do the job it wouldn''t break the bank. Let me say this..... I now couldn''t be without this brilliant tool!! It simply does everything I needed it for and more! Easy belt change, powerful, precise and easy in the hand. I''m more than happy I went for this power file rather than a much more expensive option! The Silverline brand provide quality at the right price yet again!

David H által


What a great piece of kit needed a file sander to clean some railings on a wall and fit 5 lever mortis locks to 3 doors the tool worked great and saved me a lot of time ive already told a friend about this product and has decided to purchase one him self well recommended 100%.

Billard által


Très bon produit au rapport qualité /prix imbattable. Les bandes sont de dimension usuelle et facile à trouver. Je recommande cet outil qui produit un aussi bon résultat que la black et decker

Gavin P által


This tool is a must for the serious hobbyist or the DIY person great tool for the price didn''t know if I needed one but cant do without it now.

jim által


got this for my friend he over the moon with it excellent

james b által


this is a great file perfect for my needs it was delivered very fast im very pleased with my item

Paul S által


It arrived in excellent time frame (next day) and is well made. The variable speed and angle are great features. The machine is noisy so extended use will require ear protection. Take care and practice if not used before to avoid excess material removal as can be quite aggressive if not careful.

Joseph S által


Motor overheats quickly and there''s no adjustment for belt that runs off centre.

Keith I által


The file I purchase is a welcome addition to my tool kit its ideal for finishing off my chainsaw carving.

Mike E által


Lighter than most of the electric files I have used, this does exactly what it says and efficiently

Pepe S által


Fair price, fast delivery. Motor overheats quicker than it should. Belt runs off centre and there''s no adjustment. I don''t expect it to last as long as my Black and Decker did (37 years), but I won''t live long enough to find out. Ö¿Ö

ashley által


i got this belt sander to do work on my car with and it greqt for fileing down welds and clean the rust i would recomend this product

Attanasio által


At that price, what more could one ask? Does its job smoothly. Its limited power has to be taken into account, but it suffices for most jobs I have in mind. Its slight bulk is certainly a plus, as is its light weight. Durability is probably limited, but the other machinrs of this type I''ve had did not last very long anyway, at twice (or more) the price. I''d buy it again with no hesitations.

John W által


Just bought the Power Belt File, and it has saved me hours of sanding. Marvellous. One bit of advice, practise using it before you use it for real.

Pen L által


I already own several Silverline products and have found them to be excellent and have just received my Silverstorm Power Belt file and it is brilliant! It is very robust, powerful and most of all just the job for getting into corners and all sorts of places that are hard to reach. In operation it is easy to use due to the adjustability of the head and the variable speed control. Its just great and I have been surprised at the amount of uses that I have put it to. Guaranteed for three years, great price and belts easily and cheap to obtain. Superb.

Simon b által


I''ve had this little belt sander only for a couple of weeks but so far I''m really impressed. Easy to change belts, plenty powerful enough and big bonus is it''s compact form - very easy to hold and control in one hand leaving other free for stability / added control. This makes it a great item and was the reason I chose it ahead of BnD rival product. Plus it is much better value to do the same job. Dust extraction isn''t great but no big deal for The work I tend to do.

jeff e által


Great tool for those hard to reach places, wish I had purchased one earlier

G W által


I bought this belt file primarily to use as a sharpening tool. It performed better than expected, and now we have very sharp knives in our kitchen. Then onto my gardening tools which are now back in tip top condition. It performs well on small sanding jobs and is quite versatile. Overall, I''m pleased with the purchase. It''s not a beast, but a very good addition to the tool box.

a.r.trebilcock által


this is an excellent tool dose exactley as described and more .i wish i had purchased before.

danny f által


feels easy to handle and makes life easier

John m által


First class

Brian M által


What a great belt sander this turned out to be ... gets in all the difficult places. Its slow speed enables sanding on delicate surfaces. I`m removing paint from aluminium surfaces and it works very well ...well done Silverline!

John M által


Good honest construction, nice feel, easy to use and most of all it does the job

Marco B által


I recently bought this item after looking for more expensive ones (150-400 euro). I do not need to use daily, so I decided to save money and try this Silverstorm. I was a nice surprise: well packed, comes with instruction manual and two belts (spare belts 457x13 mm are widely available and quite cheap because shared with other belt grinders'' brands). The power tool is well built, nice soft handgrip, part of the belt gear is made of aluminium, part is sturdy plastic. I thing for a non-professional like me, will last very long. I measure the belt speed with a laser speed meter, and it is 550 mt/min as declared from manufacturer. The power cord is sturdy and safe, and comes with double connector UK or SHUKO (you need just to remove the UK/EU adapter unscrewing just one screw: easy).

ARENE által


Very good value for money

Steve által


Don''t know how i got by without one of these great tools before. Works very well for cleaning up welds on car bodywork - so much more precise than using an angle grinder. Easily gets into the small places that a grinder cannot reach. Easy to use, very easy to change the belts, and i like the way you can adjust the angle of the belt - making it easy to find a comfy position to get at the job in hand.

Keith R által


I recently bought a Silverstorm, 13mm power file, this is an excellent and very versatile tool, which saves a lot of time. The general construction and finish is also superb.

ARENE által


Good deal. Good product.

Thierry F által


Le produit est excellent rien à dire c''est parfait

Graeme P által


Purchased this a week ago, out the box it looked well built, it felt well balanced and on turning it on, found it was quiet to use. I cut some rough half lap joints and finished with this tool, using the supplied 120 grit belt. With no pressure, just allowing the belt to do its job, the joints were smooth in no time. I have used this to shape timber to a profile, I have used it to dress poor cutting on timber. In all, what a tool, very happy, registered for warranty online was a simple process, and at the price I believe this cannot be beaten! Thanks Silverline!

Bill C által


Good tool easy to use, make life a lot quicker and easy

Stephen W által


Have not had a chance to really put this through its paces, what work I have done gives the impression that this is a well made piece of equipment that should give good service

Steve által


The adjustable head enables really good access to narrow spaces. Not too noisy either!

John W által


I got this as a Christmas present and used it for the first time over the weekend on my 67 Beetle. What a great little tool this is. Used it to straighten the section I had found out and it was quick and neat. It also removed the paint from the section to be welded. I will definitely be using it more often.

Phill P által


First class tool, very versatile, better than expected

Ren P által


very good, quick and easy to use, well liked,

Ren P által


Very good item, built for years of service.

Andrew B által


I have used this now for a couple of weeks and it does all that I want to remove old paint and varnish from my skirtings and doors. The angle adjustment is very handy to get into awkward corners. The belts are easy to change and are proving very good at removing material. I would definitely recommend this to the serious or even occasional DIYer.

JOHN R által


I purchased this tool and found it to be a very versatile power file that it is able to file at different angles.l, and with speed control for fine work and good selection of different grades belts for the file. At a very good price far cheaper than many others and excellent quality well made

Bob w által


I bought this tool. It was a very competitive price. It came before very well. I am vey pleased with it

Ian által


Bought this sander to do my stairs the spindles and it makes light work of the job. It is a must for your diy tool box everyone should own one

Andrew A által


The Silverstorm 260W Power Belt File is a versatile all round detail sander and de-burrer which can be used in restricted places. The belt is liable to be displaced when using the pointed end at the highest speed, however the belt remains in place when used gently at the lower speeds. (The belt is easily replaced by plunging the point onto a hard surface, the finger of the file then clicks into the open position to allow the belt to be replaced and then is tensioned by use of the release button. The tool would benefit from a positive belt lock on the release button which would prevent the pressure on the point displacing the belt.) In conclusion this is a fine tool which would be perfect with a positive belt lock.

James P által


I am an engineer and i saw a power file many years ago an thought at the price of it ya could buy a van load of hand files for the same money so when I saw silverlines at a low price a thought I would give it a try I a using it to file out holes in steel an I can honestly say I''ll never go back to a hand file unless I can''t fit this machine in somewhere but it''s fast to use easy to change the belts an they are also at a sense able price so if your a engineer or just use hand files to do your work stop an think hours saved an let this machine do the hard work for you

Chris A által


Previously used a competitors power belt file but this wins hand down as it has the versatility of being able to angle the belt arm In relationship to the body of the machine. A great addition to any workshop.

Jonathan által


Good tool for the low Price it''s sold, i''ve been scraping plaster for a year, still doing the job !

Nigel S által


This is a great little file/sander, it has a lot of power and works well on some very demanding jobs,don''t let its small size worry you, I was very impressed with what this little tool was able to do.

Ian T által


Bought this to remove paint from my van panels before welding. Does the job with ease and due to its inline motor reaches into tight corners that are hard to reach with other tools.

Clive B által


After struggling with a normal fine for years I saw the Silverstorm 260w power file 13mm and for the price decided to give it a go and bought one. How it changed my time, so easy to use and half lap joints have never been so good

Mark C által


I''ve owned and used one of these for two years now and it''s great! It''s reasonable priced and has a 3 year guarantee. It can get through the belts quite quickly, so get a fair few or you''ll run out, but they''re fairly cheap. I''ve used it on wood and metal and it''s great on both. I would definately recommend it - I''m nothing to do with silverline and getting nothing for this review.

DJ által


It''s a great tool! easy handling, and good adjustable for small work!

Mark w által


Found it perfect for getting into small places on my car restoration project, makes a professional look to the job

nicholas s által


what can i say,,,excellent machine,compact and light,easy to use,would recommend for automative,ideal for sanding in tight corner,ideal for metal work on cars,van,bike,trucks etc would recommend to friends and family any day... excellent value and built very well

Cliff W által


Such a useful little addition to my tool box, i use it so many times, i dom:t know how i managed before purchasing it.

tim h által


I was not expecting very much from this tool due to the very low price and relatively small motor. I have however been very pleasently surprised buy its build quality and performance . The longditudal motor and slim profile differs from many other similar products and makes this tool surprisingly versatile in tight spaces. I''ve so far used it primarily for dressing mig welds on car bodywork and it has proved very capable. A friend borrowed it for the afternoon to try out on a floor he was sanding to see if it was any use in getting into the tight corners such as up to skirting boards that his belt sander could not reach. He ordered one the same day! I''m sure its not worth comparing with the equivilant bosch or makita etc but within its limits and for occasional use I realy can''t fault it. I don''t know how long it will last but I did registar (after a struggle) for the three year guarentee which if honoured would make this tool outstanding value for money.

Guido S által


Actually very much priceworthy and reliable. Easy to use.

Brian C által


This tool is excellent I have used it on several materials and it does not disappoint, it''s powerful very good quality easy to use a must have tool.

Dennis által


I,m an avid diy person I have tools going back over 50 years, it was a surprise to me, that I have found that the Power Belt sander not only done the job, I bought it for but I find it is now part of my tool box it is something that I now try first when I''m sanding difficult shapes. I recommend it for any one who does sanding.

Bob H által


I bought this tool to sand some recessed areas I could not reach with my other power sanders or by hand. It did an excellent job getting right into corners and close to edges. The adjustable handle made access very easy with no motor sticking out the side there was very little restriction to its use. The quick easy tool less belt change is also a bonus. I have now found may uses for this sander not only for prep for decorating but have also used it in restoring my classic car sanding welds back (using an emery belt.

neal l által


Great bit of kit for the money ,easy to change to belts

Richard P által


Reliable and effective. Does what it says on the tin.

Paul L által


This Sander is one of the most useful Tools I have ever purchased. Since I bought it I have wondered how I managed without it before. The delivery from my Dealer (Bamford Trading) was within 36 hours of placing my order. I am very satisfied with the Sander and level of service received. The price represents excellent VFM. Fully recommended.



I bought this to remove quite a lot of rust from the box sections on the underside of my car. It was ideal because some of the rust was in quite a bit of hard to reach places.This file worked a treat .I have also used it to ease the bottom of my shed door as it was sticking and it was easy with the door still hung. Very easy to use and changing the sanding belts is very easy. I would recommend this tool. Excellent.

William B által


I am finding it very good for the small finishing off sanding Jobs I do a lot. Saves me a lot of fiddling time to get a good job. Do recognise this is for small jobs only! Regards WilliamB

Peter H által


Bought for some intricate sanding - I couldn''t have bought a better tool, saved me hours of work and at a really competitive price

Brian T által


I bought one of your power files several months ago, but it failed for not obvious reason, definitely not damage or overwork. Unfortunately I didn''''t register it so couldn''''t claim on guarantee. How''''re, I must have faith in your product as I recently bought another one.

HM által


fast delivery and good quality for the price

Gyakran ismételt kérdések

What is the guarantee on this product?
All Silverline power tools come with a three year guarantee. All you have to do is register your product here,
How many belts do you get with this product?
One belt is supplied with this product
Where can I buy more belts?
Silverline has a range of sanding belts. Here is a link to belts compatible with this product
Can the switch be locked on without holding it down?
Yes, this product has a rocker switch that can be toggled on or off
Does this product have dust extraction?
Yes, and can be used with a vacuum cleaner.

3 év jótállás

Erre a Silverline 260 W szalagcsiszoló, 13 mm termékre a vásárlás dátumától számítva 30 nap jótállás érvényes, mely a gyártás során esetlegesen előforduló gyártási vagy anyaghibákra terjed ki. A(z) 3 év jótállásért regisztrálja online a termékét. A hibás terméket díjmentesen megjavítjuk vagy kicseréljük.

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