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Excenter autópolírozó 110 W, 240 mm

€ 43.54 ÁFA nélkül

  • Keringő excenter mozgás
  • Polírozópárna duplasűrűségű habból
  • Kényelmes kétkezes kivitel
  • A járművek karosszériájának polírozásához és fényesítéséhez
  • Tartalma: szintetikus gyapjú és textil polírozópárna

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4 csillag az 5 csillagból
27 vélemény

A termék adatai

Víz elleni védettségi osztály IP20
Tárcsaátmérő 240 mm
Üresjárati fordulatszám 3100 1/perc
A termék tömege 2,095 kg

Fő tulajdonságok

A keringő mozgás megakadályozza az örvényfoltokat és az égésnyomokat az autó fényezésén. Tartalmaz tisztító és polírozó szövetet, mely 240 mm átmérőjű dupla sűrűségű habos polírozóhoz illeszkedik.

A doboz tartalma

  • 1 db excenter autópolírozó, 110 W
  • 1 db műszálas polírozópárna
  • 1 db műszálas gyapjú polírozópárna
  • 1 db használati útmutató

Vásárlói értékelések

John S által


Well made very powerful and work well

alan h által


perfect product, labour saving works fine, makes polishing a pleasure

Hugh által


Good product but the fixing method for the polishing bonnet would benefit from a better securing piece than tying a knot in cord.

alex w által


Can anybody tell me the kind of knot to use to attach the polishing bonnet? 3 times now the VERY thin polyester string has wrapped itself around the drive shaft in spite of double reef knots, triple bows topped with double reef knot & more!

d k által


does exactly what it says on the box, at a really good price :-)

M B által


Excellent polisher for the beginner producing stunning results to my car''s paintwork. One minor suggestion if both bonnets had elasticated fitment rather than the corded/tie-on type use would be easier. If Silverline decide to make a 125-150mm version I''d be first in the queue as it would be even more versatile.

Brian R által


Excellent machine

M D által


Good product for the DIY''er. Pity both polishing bonnets are not elasticated as the corded one kept loosening. I wish Silverline would produce a smaller version inline with those used by professional dealers, I''m sure it would be a success.

Joe által


Decent bit of kit, great price. Saves a lot of time vs doing by hand. Lets see how long it lasts!

Peter S által


Brilliant product well balanced, easy to use.

Peter W által


Perfect right price, right quality and does the job well done Silverline for a first class bit of kit!




Antony K által


Used the product only once but works well and polished my van to a high sheen

Keith M által


I have only used it once since I purchased it and i am suitably impressed with how easy it is to use. ( I am seventy years old) also the finish on the paint is brilliant. I was also impressed with the purchase price. I am still wuite active due to your power tools,they make life a little bit easier. Thank you. Keith from Spain.

Kaz által


Excellent, works well and easy to handle. Very happy with this purchase.

susan által


not had chance to use it yet as weather been rubbish so will leave a review once used

Gav l által


Great purchase gives the paint a great polish

Gavin l által


Bought the orbital car polisher and it''s brilliant

Peter L által


Very good but the hardest thing is fitting the polishing cloth with the ties, the first time it came off so I put it on again this time the tie court in the motor so I had to cut free and start again

Kalsi által


I like it but I expect more.

Iain által


Easy to use, does a great job for the price. Highly recommended

Jack R által


Great polisher, easy to use, saves a huge amount of effort and gives a great finish. When you''re polishing a 70ft narrowboat, these things are very important!

brian l által


haveing only had to use on 1 accasion over a period of 2 days on my car i did find it a bit difficult to hold.but returned a great result.

Y. R által


The results achieved exceeded out expectations. Red cars tend to fade to pink and ours was in a very bad state. The polisher was easy to use and brought the colour back to its former glory. We had to go over the worst areas a few times but it wasn''t hard work and the effort was definitely worth it.

PERCY által


As I have COPD and heart problems I find that I can now polish my car again, I was unable to polish it because I cannot get my breath, I can now and I don''t get out of breath so much,

Nigel g által


Very good buffer does a great job with ease

Des K által


Excellent producy for the price. Easy to use so long as you dont put too much polish on at a time and keep it moving over the panel. Changing pads ok although velcro pads would be easier but for the price no problem.

3 év jótállás

Erre a Silverline Excenter autópolírozó 110 W, 240 mm termékre a vásárlás dátumától számítva 30 nap jótállás érvényes, mely a gyártás során esetlegesen előforduló gyártási vagy anyaghibákra terjed ki. A(z) 3 év jótállásért regisztrálja online a termékét. A hibás terméket díjmentesen megjavítjuk vagy kicseréljük.

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