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Állítható lyukfúró

€ 18.26 ÁFA nélkül

  • Ötvözött acél
  • Fába, gipszkartonba és műanyagba való fúráshoz
  • Maximum vágási mélység: 30 mm
  • Max. fordulatszám: 500 1/min
  • Csak forgási üzemmódban használja, ne használja ütve fúró üzemmódban

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4 csillag az 5 csillagból
16 vélemény

A termék adatai

Anyag - másodlagos kivitel N/A
Szár hosszúsága N/A
Felületkezelés Festett
Anyag - csiszolóanyag Gyorsacél
A termék tömege 0,391 kg
Dörzskapcsolat Keményforrasztott

Fő tulajdonságok

Könnyen lyukat vág a fába, gipszkartonba és műanyagba. Két vágóéles kialakítás. Maximum vágási mélység: 30 mm. Max. fordulatszám: 500 1/min. Összekötőrúddal való használatra.

A doboz tartalma

  • 1 db állítható lyukfúró
  • 1 db hatszögkulcs
  • 1 db csigafúró

Vásárlói értékelések

Martin S által


There''s a lot of bad reviews about this product but these seem to be by people who don''t seem to understand how it works rather than the product itself. This is ultimately a failure of the manufacturer to provide any instructions either with the product or online about the correct and safe use of this tool. Firstly, its worth understanding how the tool is designed to work as this will allow you to set it up correctly to get a effect desired. Looking at the tool you''ll notice that the two cutting blades are actually different from one another. One blade will cuts through the material at the actual circumference of the hole required (the outer cutter) whilst the other cuts through the material at a slightly smaller circumference (the inner cutter) thereby allowing the outer cutter to continue to penetrate the material beyond the depth of the tip of the blade where it is affixed to the blade holder. This applies equally to the inner cutter so they work in tandem to facilitate each other passing through the work-piece. It is essential therefore to set up the inner and outer cutters appropriately - I used a vernier caliper for accuracy e.g. for a 100mm diameter hole you would use the caliper to set an outer cutter distance of 54mm from one side of the 8mm pilot drill to the outer side of the outer cutter (i.e. for a cutting radius 50mm it''s 100/2 = 50mm + 8/2 = 54mm). For the inner cutter use the caliper to set an inner cutter distance of 54mm from one side of the 8mm pilot drill to the outer side of the inner cutter blade carrier - NOT the inner cutter blade itself! It''s also worth noting that it''s better to pilot drill your hole centre with an 8mm drill before attempting to use this tool and replace the supplied 8mm pilot drill bit with piece of 8mm plain bar (I just turned the supplied drill bit round so the smooth shank would insert into the pre-drilled pilot hole to guide the tool through the material. If you don''t do this using this tool in a hand drill for anything other than plasterboard or the like the cutters may catch and pivot the drill bit into the pilot hole thereby opening the pilot hole up and causing further catches etc, etc. Next, using an appropriate speed and drill - cut slowly perpendicular to the material let the cutting bits "nibble" away at the material. Remember the fact that you''re using this tool probably means you''re cutting large holes and the bigger the diameter the higher speed the cutting bits will be travelling at. A 3000 RPM drill speed equates to a cutter speed of in excess of 1.35km/h - if the bit catches and stops suddenly then that energy has to go somewhere... choose a drill that has low torque or even a torque clutch driver. One thing even I don''t understand is the purpose of the inclusion of the 6mm diameter point supplied with the tool - when inserted in the tool this is too short to even touch the work-piece surface!

JOHN által


Allen key that came with it snapped on very first use! Accuracy of gauge for each cutting blade is questionable to get them both set at the same distance!! suggest trial cut in spare piece of material to see if blades are equally set! A bit unwieldy to use !! A question of balance of the large rotating crossbar in comparison to using a rigid a hole-saw.It sort of worked ok !! I suppose as the speaker I was fitting had a reasonably large flange. If you need to have a variable diameter of cut and don''t wish to buy a hole saw set!! It''s a proposition. With hindsight I believe I should have just bought a 200mm good quality hole saw for the the one off job . At a similar price!

Wilbert G által


Great tool, cuts like a hot knife through, just be aware of the kick on your drill start on low speed.

Matthew H által


This is a great product, it takes a little time to get the hang of using it, but with a couple of practice cuts all is good. I cut all holes prior to fixing boards as this tool could be pretty messy used upside down! Done right cuts perfectly every time.

Alisdair B által


This saves a lot of money and gives a good precise result. No need for lots of different sizes

Artzt M által


Everything'' s good

Stewart által


Useful tool to cut/mark large holes..

Kelvin G által


Needed to cut some large holes in some timber. Cut them without any problem. Just don''t go too fast and make sure you have a firm grip on the drill.

Simon S által


Works well once you get the hang of using it. Can be tricky to set up the two heads as there are no specific location marks. I find it''s best used on a flat horizontal surface if possible.

Steven D által


I bought a new acrylic bath without tap holes so i needed to get a hole cutter to enable me to fit my taps. When i saw this hole cutter which is adjustable and not too expensive i thought I''''ll give it a go, once i marked my holes i applied the cutter, and to my surprise it made such light work of making 3 holes. Great tool for the job, glad i bought one.

Keith W által


dose just what it says on the packet, great!

raymond g által


good tool came in useful on other projects

Luis által


Una herramienta perfecta para hacer agujeros para empotrar luminarias, sencilla y facil de utilizar, con pocas vibraciones a la hora de hacer el agujero

Mr K által


Does the job well made and effective with an excellent Silverline guarantee.

terry b által


handy piece of kit

Bill által


Does not work very well. Wobbles everywhere. Drifts off centre. Not well balanced at all. Tried to cut 200mm holes but had to do them manually with a pad saw in the end. Tried using it with various drills at both high speed and low speed, got the same crap results. This was just in plasterboard, hate to think what it would be like in harder material. What a complete waste of money and time.

Élettartam jótállás

Erre a Silverline Állítható lyukfúró termékre a vásárlás dátumától számítva 30 nap jótállás érvényes, mely a gyártás során esetlegesen előforduló gyártási vagy anyaghibákra terjed ki. A(z) Élettartam jótállásért regisztrálja online a termékét. A hibás terméket díjmentesen megjavítjuk vagy kicseréljük.

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