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Flexibilis hosszabbító fúrógépekhez

1041 mm

€ 29.47 ÁFA nélkül

  • Erős acélszerkezet védőhüvellyel
  • Kényelmes műanyag markolat
  • 1041 mm hosszúságú tengely
  • 6 mm-es, kulcs nélküli tokmány
  • Max. fordulatszám: 6000 1/min

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4 csillag az 5 csillagból
18 vélemény

A termék adatai

Csatlakozó mérete 7 mm
A termék tömege 0,55 kg

Fő tulajdonságok

Flexibilis tengely fúrógépekhez erős acélszerkezettel és védőhüvellyel. Kényelmes műanyag markolat. 1041 mm hosszúságú tengely 6 mm-es, kulcs nélküli tokmánnyal. Max. fordulatszám: 6000 1/min.

A doboz tartalma

  • 1 db flexibilis hosszabbító fúrógépekhez, 1041 mm

Vásárlói értékelések

PETER C által


I submitted a review two days after I bought the unit. What has happened to that one. Peter.

PETER C által


The above tool now has pride of place in my tool cabinet. How I managed before I do not know, well yes I do know, make do as best as as I can with lots of frustration. The long gaurantee is a bonus. Not many tool companies have the confidence in their products to offer such a reassurance. Yes I would like a catalogue please

Anthony által


Excellent for polishing using a bench grinder. Great bit of kit for all sorts of jobs with the drill keyless chuck end on it. Definitely recommend

Paul B által


Good sturdy product delivered as promised

Trevor C által


Happy with my purchase, which comes with a lifetime’s guarantee. Definitely designed to access those difficult to reach areas.

Neil F által


I bought this Flexi Drill Extension so i could polish the exhaust down pipes on my motorcycle. Using it with a conical polishing mop and Autosol has worked a treat and saved hours of work. Well recommended.

Ian H által


The flexible drive was ordered to help with polishing my alloy wheels, and it allows me to get my polishing mops into all the nooks and crannies. Excellent quality product.

Alan W által


So far, excellent. Only time will tell about durability

Roger F által


Very handy solution for places which are difficult to reach. I had to drill behind a exhaustpipe with only a few centimeters to work in. With this extension it was no problem.

Craig B által


Great tool. Used to clean off rust (with a wire brush attachment) on a classic car restoration. So handy to get into the hard to reach areas, this tool has so may uses. Well worth the money and lifetime guarantee, Great

Peter F által


Considering this is one of the more robust versions the extension is still pretty flexible. The inner drive shaft is very direct with no tendency to "wind up" as with the cheaper versions. I have only used it for sessions of about 20 mins. and in this time it remains cool and quiet. The bearings are sealed units without grease nipples. Overall I am pleased with the product.

Nigel B által


Great bit of kit for car body work - gets wire Brush into all the places your drill can not reach

Alan W által


I''ve only used it a few times yet but it seems robust and I like the "forever" warrantee.

Alessandro O által


Very good tool

Steve által


If you are looking for a tool that dose exactly what it says it will, then this flexi drive is it. Very well built and easy to use. The key-less chuck makes changing bits a doddle. I found the grip was comfortable in my hand so very easy to use for a long period time. This will be a very handy addition to my tool kit.

Marc által


Excellent tool for the price. The item looks and feels sturdy, robust and well made. The first time I used it was for a relatively heavy duty job and it performed admirably. Thoroughly recommended.

DAVID G által



moutte által


very good

Élettartam jótállás

Erre a Silverline Flexibilis hosszabbító fúrógépekhez termékre a vásárlás dátumától számítva 30 nap jótállás érvényes, mely a gyártás során esetlegesen előforduló gyártási vagy anyaghibákra terjed ki. A(z) Élettartam jótállásért regisztrálja online a termékét. A hibás terméket díjmentesen megjavítjuk vagy kicseréljük.

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