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Gyertyaszikra teszter

270 mm

€ 7.93 ÁFA nélkül

  • Gyertyát köti össze a gyújtással
  • Egyértelműen jelzi a gyújtási rendszerfunkciót

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19 vélemény

A termék adatai

Befogás módja Gyújtógyertyára nyomható csatlakozó
Felületkezelés Krómozott / műanyag
Anyag - másodlagos kivitel Acél
Anyag - orr/csúcs Acél
A termék tömege 0,062 kg

Fő tulajdonságok

Gyertyát köti össze a gyújtással egyértelműen jelezve a gyújtási rendszerfunkciót.

A doboz tartalma

  • 1 db gyertyaszikra teszter

Vásárlói értékelések

Jeroen által


A simple but great tool to check if your ignition generates enough spark. The brighter the tester is lit, the more spark it measures. Simple but effective.

Scott M által


Highly recommend this product great value for money.

Alexander N által


Everything works! fast delivery!

Derek H által


Can''t fault this product. Excellent value for money, does exactly what I was looking for and quality is as good as far more expensive brands.

Richard T által


Tester didn''t work

Michael C által


simple and easy to use

pip által


simple & easy to use

Nick E által


Bought this because of problems starting my chainsaw. In theory this is exactly the tool I needed - for a visual check to see if there actually is a spark being generated. - my chainsaw has plastic surrounds so no convenient metal to rest the plug on to check for spark. Reality is there is not much slack in the HT lead (this is Stihl chainsaw) and becasue of the ''probe'' length on this tool, it only just reached. So if the ''probe'' (metal end) was shorter and the HT lead end was slightly longer, this would have been better for me. The other thing about this is that when the lamp does glow (indicating spark is being generated) it is a bit dull - very hard to see in daylight. So the tool does what it is supposed to, but the above two issues made it difficult for me to use (on the chainsaw). It is a good price though.

Paul B által


Does the job for what I need

Tony i által


I purchased the ignition spark tester because I currently run a tool hire depot and it saves so much time just plugging on the tester than removing the full plug and I love it tells you that everything works from the first pull of the pull cord to the ignition of the fuel its great.

Peter H által


This plug tester works just right for me. I tend to use it on my classic MG Midget when I have problems and it helps me to eliminate faults. Great buy.

Steve B által


Since buying this I have used it several times. It has worked flawlessly every time and has helped save me a wad of cash by helping to diagnose problems myself. It makes it easy to see if you are getting a spark without having to hold a loose spark plug and lead against an earthing point. A great, useful and worthwhile addition to my toolbox.

Alastair C által


Excellent product easy to use worked perfect and easy to use. Would recommend

Steven N által


Bought this to quickly identify if my spark plug on my lawnmower was good. You need to be in the shade or inside your shed to see the spark.

neil c által


This device fits between the HT lead and the spark plug and shows whether a spark exists. If the spark is present but the engine won''t fire it will suggest a timing or fuel supply problem. The device is not a spark plug tester as the absence of a spark could be a plug or HT problem.

Mary S által


This ignition spark tester has helped us in many ways & has been able to help us with our diagnosis on our motor problems without having to involve taking it to mechanics.

Peter O által


Brilliant bit of kit, enabled me to solve the problem promptly. Everything running smoothly again.

Leslie által


Does as it says. Colour of spark (if you get one) indicates the richness of the petrol mixture. Difficult to see spark if in sunlight so I did have problems checking the mower.

Paul s által



3 év jótállás

Erre a Silverline Gyertyaszikra teszter termékre a vásárlás dátumától számítva 30 nap jótállás érvényes, mely a gyártás során esetlegesen előforduló gyártási vagy anyaghibákra terjed ki. A(z) 3 év jótállásért regisztrálja online a termékét. A hibás terméket díjmentesen megjavítjuk vagy kicseréljük.

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