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Forrasztópáka, 25 W

25 W

€ 12.29 ÁFA nélkül

  • Általános célú forrasztáshoz
  • Nyomtatott áramkörökhöz, vékony vezetékekhez és kényes elektronikai alkatrészekhez
  • Hőmérséklet-tartomány: 350-420 ºC
  • Precíziós kialakítású heggyel
  • Includes precision point tip

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4 csillag az 5 csillagból
13 vélemény

A termék adatai

Kábel hosszúsága 1200 mm
Tartomány 350 - 420 ºC
Anyag - orr/csúcs Forrasztócsúcs anyaga vörösréz / vasbevonat 0,2 mm vastagságban
A termék tömege 0,18 kg

Fő tulajdonságok

Általános célú forrasztópáka elektronikai és elektromos áramkörök, vezetékek és kábelek forrasztásához. Precízen megmunkált, ponthegyű véggel. Hőmérséklet-tartomány: 350-420 °C.

A doboz tartalma

  • 1 db biztonsági adatlap
  • 1 db forrasztópáka, 25 W

Vásárlói értékelések

Alan által


Perfect little device for the my hobby. Could not be happier with it

Mark M által


Okay it''s not a fancy, temperature-controlled soldering station but it''s good tool that does what it is supposed to. Classic design, robustly made, excellent value for money.

Mark M által


Not a popular item when they first appeared, forty odd years ago, the PowerFile seemed a solution without a problem but now it''s enjoying quite the come back. I''ve had my Silverline PowerFile for about two years now and find myself reaching for it increasingly often. Okay, it''s mostly for power carving, of which I do quite a bit, but also as a mini sander, cleaning up a mortice, even sharpening a drill bit. It''s a remarkably versatile little tool. Easy to hold and use and good value; I''d recommend it.

Dean által


great little tool and it did what we ask of it

Graham által


Simple basic soldering iron with fine point. The manufacturer warns that it will be a bit smelly on first use, it is, but it is not a problem. Good value

Graham által


Well made, no frills soldering iron; as it says in the instructions, it is a bit smelly the first time you use it, after that it is fine. This one has a fine pointed tip which is ideal for accurate work.

Alan C által


Excellent service from Silverline and the soldering iron is very good quality and works well. It is great value for money and I recommend buying it

bob által


a handy tool have in your toolbox . it heats up quickly and is capable of most household jobs.a good tool at a good price

Richard F által


Soldering Iron works well and fast to heat up, comes with a fine point soldering tip which is ideal for working on circuit boards. I have used this product for prolonged periods on boards and the iron works without any issues. The handle of the soldering Iron is comfortable to use and allows for accurate and precised control whilst soldering. The flex is perfectly long enough for its purpose without being too long or too short. I would recommend this product for anyone who requires a soldering Iron for accurate electrical soldering particularly for fine pcb work. The soldering Iron also works well when being used to desolder and remove chips and soldered relays from boards.

Caroline által


Bought as replacement for very old tool that had finely given up. Good price, works well, well packaged and quick delivery.

Neil D által


I have been an Electronics Engineer for 40 years now and have seen a great many of changes in my field. When it comes to Soldering Irons, I have seen and used ones that would barely melt butter to virtual thermic lances which almost vaporizes anything nearby! This excellent soldering iron from Silverline (tools) is light and well balanced to hold and heats up quickly to it''s operating temperature. It even surpasses my old Antex 30 Watt iron in performance, and has great thermal conductivity to the PCB/Metalwork for soldering - no dry joints here. As the majority of electronic circuits now use surface mounted components, and yes some are very small indeed!, this soldering iron has proved itself for precision work on such circuitry. I can recommend this soldering iron to everyone, from beginners to professionals as an invaluable addition to their toolbox/workshop.

Ted által


I had an old soldering iron and was having trouble soldering electrical wiring to Code 75 model railway track. I bought the 25w iron on the advice of Adrian at Railroom Electronics and I also bought the spare tip set. I tried the supplied pointed tip but it obstructed the view of the work. I changed it for a bent flat end bit and it worked a treat.

Alan M által


I purchased this item for soldering small electrical circuits, connections etc on my model railway. It has proved to be an excellent choice, the fine tip being ideal for such jobs and the iron well balanced in my hand. I would recommend it to anybody.

3 év jótállás

Erre a Silverline Forrasztópáka, 25 W termékre a vásárlás dátumától számítva 30 nap jótállás érvényes, mely a gyártás során esetlegesen előforduló gyártási vagy anyaghibákra terjed ki. A(z) 3 év jótállásért regisztrálja online a termékét. A hibás terméket díjmentesen megjavítjuk vagy kicseréljük.

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