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Szigetelt, puha fogású markolattal rendelkező csavarhúzó készlet 11 db-os

11 db

€ 25.61 ÁFA nélkül

  • Puha fogású markolat
  • Króm-vanádium szár és hegy
  • Teljesen szigetelt
  • Lapos: 2,5 x 75, 3 x 100, 4 x 100, 5 x 125, 6 x 150 és 8 x 175 mm
  • PH csillag: No.0 x 60, 0 x 75, PH1 x 80, PH1 x 100 és PH2 x 100 mm

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4 csillag az 5 csillagból
40 vélemény

A termék adatai

Markolat hosszúsága Többféle
Fűrészlap szélessége 2,5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8; 3,8, 3,8, 4,8 x 2, 5,8 mm
Felületkezelés Fröccsöntött, két színű, puha fogású markolat, műanyag bevonatos szár és kémiai úton barnított hegy
Markolat - fő - felületkidolgozás Fröccsöntött
Edzett HRC50-55
Anyag - orr/csúcs Feketére foszfátozott, Cr-V 6150
A termék tömege 1,13 kg

Fő tulajdonságok

Edzett króm-vanádium acél szárak vegyi úton barnított, mágneses hegyekkel. Szigetelt szárak és ergonomikus kialakítású, hatszögletű markolatok a jó irányíthatóság érdekében. Ideális kényes elektromos és autóipari feladatokhoz, ahol a vezetékek és az érintkezési pontok sűrűn helyezkednek el egymás mellett Tartalma: Phillips (#0 x 60, #0 x 75 mm, #1 x 80 mm, #1 x 100 mm, & #2 x 100 mm), valamint párhuzamos oldalélű lapos csavarhúzó (2,5 x 75 mm, 3 x 100 mm, 4 x 100 mm, 5 x 125 mm, 6 x 150 mm & 8 x 175 mm). A szigetelés nem rendelkezik érintésvédelmi besorolással.

A doboz tartalma

  • 6 x Insulated Slotted Screwdrivers 2.5 x 75, 3 x 100, 4 x 100, 5 x 125, 6 x 150 & 8 x 175mm
  • 5 x Insulated Phillips Screwdrivers PH0 x 60, PH0 x 75, PH1 x 80, PH1 x 100 & PH2 x 100mm
  • 1 x Storage Case

Vásárlói értékelések

Mr M által


I purchased a set of 11 boxed Screwdrivers because i already have Silverline 24V Drill which i haves had for years without any trouble so i think the screwdrivers will also be no trouble for years.

Julien által


Pas de la grande qualité mais vu le prix, on en a pour notre argent

Alessio által


Prodotto fatto bene, fatto per elettricisti, comodo e di facile utilizzo

Stephen P által


Excellent set of insulated screwdrivers for an even better price. As always, best bang for buck, these have proven to be good both on site by me and in a garage by my dad. Overall very happy!

Ben által


Great product great price and lifetime guarantee

Peter A által


A dozen random screwdrivers in my toolbox, enough! A little research brought me to this set from Silverline. Brilliant!

Aaron M által


These insulated screwdrivers are the bees knees. At less than £15 you cannot fault them. Fully insulated upto 1kv, lifetime guarantee, a good, quality, ergonomic feel to them and a nice moulded carry case to store them in. Why pay more for other brands?

RIccardo által


Smart & Versatile set of screws for all around usages.

Daniel által


Good value for money, spot on for storage so you don''t have to rumige around trying to find them with good size range.

Enda által


Excellent set of screwdrivers for a very reasonable price. Would highly recommend.

Pete r által


These are fantastic for the price and good quality too. Great value for money

Colin T által


Great set of screwdrivers, everything you need in one box, great feel when using

Peter D által


Very good quality items well made and would recommend to friends and family 100% Satisfaction would buy again

Claudio M által


In passato ho acquistato diversi set di cacciaviti di diversi marchi alcuni molto blasonati e costosi ed il buon 85% di questi si sono tutti rovinati subito, dal primo utilizzo. Non posseggo da molto tempo i silverline ma da quando li ho acquistati non hanno fatto mai una piega. Mai rotti, spanati, rovinati, insomma nessun segno di cedimento. Il feeling lo si avverte da subito. Oltretutto sono garantiti a vita quindi cosa volere di più? Grazie Silverline

Nick C által


My first ever purchase of Silverline tools & I will tell it won’t be the last time I order any, I’m very impressed with the quality of my purchase, looking forward to be ordering more products from you. Regards Nick.

Nick C által


This was the first time I have ever tried any of your Silverline tools, wow I’m very impressed by the quality of the screwdrivers I received and I will be purchasing more of your products in the future like self gripping wrench and a car buffer. Regards Nick

Nick C által


Fantastic value and great quality, all comes in useful carry case, I couldn’t ask for more at the price & I look forward to buying more products from Silverline in the future. Thanks Nick.

Chris V által


I am NOT a professional electrician, I bought this set for the odd occasions that I work with electrical installations and equipment, for this purpose they are perfect, they do what is needed and have sizes for all applications.

Darren t által


Brilliant grip well balanced great value for the price can not fault this product

Ivan R által


Great kit for the home handyman. Would recommend this product and value

Clive T által


So I got this as a secret Santa gift. Knowing the rules that there was a £20 limit I was not sure what to expect. No I do not know how much this set cost but it feels a lot more than £20. These screwdrivers have a good feel to them are nice to hold and dont irritate your palms when you come across a tight stubborn screw. There are screw drivers for most uses in the home or garage. I like the tough black case they came in too.

ALVIN W által



martin által


j''ai acheter, cette boitte de tournevis pour faire une installation électrique très résistant a l’usage ;même pour les touts petit ce qui est rare excellent rapport qualités prix . Je recommanderais sans soucis.

Rob által


Really good quality set would definitely recommend.

Thomas által


Can''t fault this brilliant product. It''s great value for money, would definitely recommend buying.

Bernd B által


Perfect handling with the softgrip!

lee f által


exhalent .so good I bought 2 sets

Sebastien által


Bone qualité, bon rapport qualité prix

lee f által


I found the screwdriver to be well made and good value for money

r h által


top quality as allways

David G által


Having looked for a long time for a set of Insulated Screwdrivers I come across the Silverline set these are just the ticket comfortable in the hand and with veering sizes they are Just the job.

John F által


Great comprehensive set of quality sparks drivers which cover every application. I particularly like the short drivers to get at those tight and awkward screws. Nice comfortable handles, long insulation sheaths and a sturdy box to keep them in.

Remco H által


Good price and quality. I really recommend it!

Remco H által


I really love the set. Good quality and price! You have to have this set!

Bart v által


A few months ago I bought my Silverline screwdriver set. I should have done this years ago. It is a real pleasure working with it. All necessary sizes together in a case. Exellent quality and a price wich makes me happy everytime when I use them. And that''''''''s rather often.

Ernest F által


strong set of screwdrivers, nice price, good quality

Chris B által


So far i have been very satisfied with the product. It is looking as though a good buy, the purpose of the purchase was my need for cheap insulated screwdrivers of different sizes for when my main screwdriver was not the right size for the job. The quality feels good and the rubber feels good in the hand and gives good grip.

Glen D által


I''m using this set weekly and can not fault these.Top quality product

Jerry N által


Was looking for decent electrical,insulated screwdriver set. Silver line fitted the bill, good product ,delivery and no hassle

Imran A által


I have bought this Silverline screw driver set from eBay, I would like to make sure these are VDE approved and can these be used on live electric circuits. Thanks
  • Hi. These are insulated but not VDE approved. We have full VDE certification for 282491 so would recommend these as an alternative. Thanks

Élettartam jótállás

Erre a Silverline Szigetelt, puha fogású markolattal rendelkező csavarhúzó készlet 11 db-os termékre a vásárlás dátumától számítva 30 nap jótállás érvényes, mely a gyártás során esetlegesen előforduló gyártási vagy anyaghibákra terjed ki. A(z) Élettartam jótállásért regisztrálja online a termékét. A hibás terméket díjmentesen megjavítjuk vagy kicseréljük.

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