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Órás csavarhúzó készlet 11 db-os

11 db

€ 4.34 ÁFA nélkül

  • Nemesített acél szárak
  • Hatlapfejű forgóvég
  • Tartalmaz: PH csillag PH00, PH0 és PH1
  • Lapos 1,0, 1,2, 1,4, 1,8, 2,4, 3,0 mm.
  • 1 x cipész ár és 1 x mágnes

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3 csillag az 5 csillagból
12 vélemény

A termék adatai

Felületkezelés Acél
Markolat - fő - felületkidolgozás Acél
Edzett Igen
Anyag - orr/csúcs Acél
A termék tömege 0,13 kg

Fő tulajdonságok

Nemesített acélszárak hatlapfejű forgóvéggel. Tartalma - PH csillag: PH00, PH0, PH1; lapos: 1, 1,2, 1,4, 1,8, 2,4, 3 mm, 1 x cipész ár és 1 x mágnes.

A doboz tartalma

  • 3 x Phillips Screwdrivers PH00, PH0 & PH1
  • 6 x Slotted Screwdrivers 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.8, 2.4 & 3.0mm
  • 1 x Scratch Awl
  • 1 x Magnet
  • 1 x Storage Case

Vásárlói értékelések

Tijn által


Over all it is a nice set of precision screwdrivers. There is a good selection of tools. The case is very cheep and was damaged. It''s a good set for the price.

Matthew G által


Very good! I particularly love the lifetime guarantee. I bought these for £3 from Toolstation. Basically...what''s not to like?!

Wendy által


I bought this set of screwdrivers in order to adjust my spectacles myself. NONE of the screwdrivers fitted my specs!

Wendy által


I bought the screwdriver set in order to be able to repair my spectacles. None of the set fitted the screw on my specs! Not good!

David M által


Just what I was expecting for the price. Plastic case distorted though and will not stay closed, neither will the screwdrivers stay in place in the slots inside the case. Other than that, OK. More or less what I was expecting for £2.99

Anthony B által


Very good set of various screwdrivers, ideal for maintenance of our spectacles

Kevin M által


This set of specialist screwdrivers really do come in handy for those small non-standard srews.

Kenneth D által


Just the ideal tools for dealing with intricate jobs & handy for when your spectacles fall apart.

Paul által


Nice little set of tools to replace previous set of Blackspur ones which are well worn. Case a little flimsy but drivers OK

David L által


Needed a set of Screwdriver to fix watch. Found these online. Great price and did the job. The only negative is the poor case but that is because the set is so cheap,I suppose.

Margaret által


Bought 2 of these sets as Christmas stocking fillers, so not actually used yet, so time will tell how strong/reliable these are - the only downside I can see so far is the "magnetic" tip is NOT magnetic because it will not pick up even the lightest, smallest steel screw, or in fact anything at all, which is a shame as that would have been really useful to avoid losing tiny screws inside components. Can this please be rectified?

Tim L által


When you need very small tools for fiddly work, this set is ideal. The items are well made and the tops of the screwdrivers swivel so you can turn the screwdriver with your palm and a couple of fingers. Although it might be a bit of an overused phrase, they really work for you.

Élettartam jótállás

Erre a Silverline Órás csavarhúzó készlet 11 db-os termékre a vásárlás dátumától számítva 30 nap jótállás érvényes, mely a gyártás során esetlegesen előforduló gyártási vagy anyaghibákra terjed ki. A(z) Élettartam jótállásért regisztrálja online a termékét. A hibás terméket díjmentesen megjavítjuk vagy kicseréljük.

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